Sep 11, 2015
Gurung Movie
Watch Gurung Movie 'Phresyo' (प्र्हेस्यो) full in HD quality uploaded in Youtube by Abhiyan Films Production (PVT) Ltd. This Gurung movie 'PHRESYO' was directed jointly by late Lok Bahadur Gurung and Bed Bahadur Gurung (SHYAM). Music for Gurung movie 'Phresyo' songs are by Dhan Bahadur Gurung and Tejendra Gurung where as camera person and editor is Man Gurung. The Gurung movie 'Phresyo' stars are Om Prakash Gurung, Nabina Gurung, Sabina Gurung, Mira Gurung and Bal Bahadur Gurung. This Gurung film has already been released all over Nepal and abroad. Feedback for the movie so far is enormous. We hope you will watch it and like. Please share and leave your comment about this movie. Love and support Gurung movies.
# Video Source: Youtube (Current Views: 18,172)